Bastion and Brionna decided that the best thing to do to take their daughters' minds off of the loss of their grandmother was to adopt a furry companion. As we all know, the best way to deal with grief is to distract yourself with something new, then drown it in alcohol. Yup, that's the way. The kitty was dubbed Epicurous.
Celina made sure to introduce the family's newest member to Jumbuktu. "You must pray in front of Jumbuktu every day, and ask him what we should do for him so that we can keep our family together. I prayed for him to banish the evil money-grubber, and Daddy hasn't brought her over for days. But Jumbuktu needs more devotion. That's why he took grandma. He was angry."
So Epicurous went to Jumbuktu daily to find out what he could do to please the golden god. Unfortunately, huge statues made of plastic covered in goldleaf are not very clear communicators.
Kill teddy! Teddy bring attensions 'way from Jumbuk! Teddy must die!
Teddy was packing a whole bunch of potential weapons, as well.
Celina still managed to grow up well, despite the growing volume of the voices in her head. She was now a teen and able to take care of herself. And, of course, earn money. Celina liked money. It was shiny.
"Hi, Epicurous. What are you up to?"
Must kill tree. Tree bad. Too dark. Jumbuk like only shinies.
"Ah. Good job, Epicurous."
Celestina herself had a birthday, reaching her teen years. A plethora of opportunities were before her, but part of her wished for a more normal life. A life with a husband and a couple of children, in a big house with no fake gods, and perhaps a non-alien or two.